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Is one of the largest booking engines in the world and is known all over the world.

It has a total of 1.093.000 hotels online. 


Each day they have more than 1,200,000 bookings per night. In addition, Booking attracts visitors from all over the world, not only from Spain.


Booking removes illegal tourist floor ads from its website

Booking, one of the largest online booking platforms, has removed advertisements of illegal tourist apartments in Barcelona from its website.

The consistory has claimed the same to the rest of platforms that operate in the city. Booking has removed from its website the ads of flats that do not have a registry number of the Generalitat.


I think it is interesting to know booking things as the hotels would not have so many reservations if it weren't for booking.

In my opinion I think booking sometimes will get out of hand since as they have almost all the power in hotels they do what they queiren. They carry a 14% commission or so.







AIRNB generates more than 35 M in Cuba in two years. 

The profits of Cubans renting rooms or their houses or apartments through Airbnb total about 40 million dollars.


The demand for accommodation in Cuba continues to grow and in 2017 is the ninth most popular country on Airbnb for US tourists, ahead of Australia, Germany, the Netherlands and Thailand, among other countries.


Since then, thousands of Cubans have benefited directly from access to an international travelers network. 

About 70,000 tourists per month arrive on the island with accommodation found by Airbn. The average price per reservation is $ 164 and $ 2,700 average annual and, on average, Cubans rent 33 nights a year their real estate, whether by parts or complete


I think they are a very high and very positive figures for the change of tourism and above all the beneficiaries who are both renting their flat as Airbnb.



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